WHAT IS SCIENCE : It is perfect for those times when yous simply desire to launder your face, but non your hair.  I of late switched to washing my pilus every other twenty-four lx minutes menstruum (which honestly...the sentiment of it grossed me out at first, but a lot of people were telling me that I would convey healthier pilus if I skipped a launder hither too there.  So, I decided to plow over it a try.)  The Turbie Band is slowly to sideslip on too launder your face, without getting your pilus moisture or messed up.  It industrial plant bully when I am doing my Lemon Sugar scrub facials (check out final week's post on the Lemon Sugar Scrub here).  In fact, I tin sideslip it on afterward curling my pilus too it doesn't mess upward the curls at all!  No to a greater extent than ugly ponytail holder fold inwards my hair!  I've fifty-fifty used it a few times inwards the shower, inwards house of ane of those granny-looking shower caps.    

It was nether $5 at Bed, Bath & Beyond too amongst ane of their often mailed 20% off coupons, yous could salve a footling more. 

Be beautiful, my friends!



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